Johannes Burge
Johannes Burge
Email: jburge [at]
Office: Goddard Room 426
Department of Psychology
Vision Science Program, UC Berkeley
Stanford University
Center for Perceptual Systems, UT Austin
Vision systems
Natural Scenes
PhD in Vision Science
BA in Psychology, Minor in Mathematics
July, 2011:
August, 2011:
Post-doctoral fellow
Lecture and one-day workshop on natural scene statistics, statistical methods, and current research at Ludwig Maximilians Universitat in Munich, Germany. Thanks to Paul MacNeilage for having me!
Presented on optimal defocus estimation in model human visual systems at the Imaging Systems and Applications, Optical Society of America conference in Toronto, Canada
April, 2011:
© 2011 — 2017 Johannes Burge
Uploaded Matlab implementation of new method for dimensionality reduction:
Accuracy Maximization Analysis (AMA)
Book chapter published in Sensory Cue Integration
Cooper EA, Burge J, Banks MS (2011).
The vertical horopter is not adaptable but it may be adaptive.
Journal of Vision, 11(3) 20: 1-19. [ pdf ]
Banks MS, Burge J, & Held R (2011).
The statistical relationship between depth, visual cues, and human perception.
In: Sensory Cue Integration (Eds Trommershauser J, Kording KP, Landy M) Oxford University Press
Article published in Journal of Vision
Provisional Patent filed on method for imaged-based optimal defocus estimation in digital imaging systems (Provisional Patent 22084-P069)
February, 2011:
October, 2011:
Paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Burge J & Geisler WS (2011).
Optimal defocus estimation in individual natural images.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108 (40): 16849-16854 [ pdf ]
September, 2011:
PNAS article covered by Science Daily
PNAS article covered by Fast Company, Wired, Science Magazine
Deciphering the brain's autofocus mechanism. Science Magazine, October 7, 2011
Psychologists decipher brain's clever autofocus software., October 10, 2011
Giving cameras the best autofocus possible, autofocus from the human eye. Fast Company, October 31, 2011
January, 2012:
Paper published in the Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Conference on Electronic Imaging
Burge J & Geisler WS (2012).
Optimal defocus estimates from individual images for autofocusing a digital camera.
Proceedings of the SPIE, 8299, 82990: E1-E12, January: Burlingame, CA [ pdf ]
November, 2011:
PNAS article covered by Scientific American
Giving cameras the best autofocus possible, autofocus from the human eye. Scientific American, Nov. 1, 2011
Algorithm for estimating focus error covered by The Guardian Observer and Popular Photography
Autofocus and the importance of 'defocusing'. The Guardian Observer, January 15, 2011
SPIE paper wins the Digital Photography VIII best paper award. Award sponsored by Canon USA, Inc.
Study of the human eye could lead to more accurate autofocus technology.Popular Photography, Jan. 20, 2011
February, 2012:
Presented on optimal disparity estimation in natural stereo-images at the CoSyNe annual meeting
Presented on optimally estimating focus error for autofocusing a DSLR camera at IS&T/SPIE meeting
June, 2012:
Presented at an inter-disciplinary conference titled "Perception, Representation, and Objectivity: Themes from Tyler Burge" in St. Petersburg, Russia. The conference was centered on my father's
recent book titled "Origins of Objectivity"
September, 2012:
"Optimal disparity estimation in natural stereo-images" has been submitted
August, 2012:
"Binocular integration and disparity selectivity in mouse primary visual cortex" has been submitted
May, 2013:
Paper published in Journal of Neurophysiology
Scholl B, Burge J & Priebe NJ (2013).
Binocular integration and disparity selectivity in mouse primary visual cortex
Journal of Neurophysiology, 109, 3013-3024 [ pdf ]
August, 2013:
Accepted tenure-track faculty position at the University of Pennsylvania!
Starting date: July 1, 2014
March, 2013:
Presented on optimal motion estimation in natural image movies at the CoSyNe annual meeting
September, 2013:
"Characterizing the effects of stimulus and neural variability on perceptual performance", a chapter
for the next edition of the Gazzaniga text book series, has been submitted
October, 2013:
Image published in Nature, News & Views article
"Through the eyes of a mouse" Nature, 502:156-158
February, 2014:
Paper published in Journal of Vision
Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor
Presented on using natural image movies to determine optimal processing for speed estimation at the Annual Interdisciplinary Conference (AIC) in Jackson Hole, WY
Optimal focus error estimation performance determined for individual images in a popular smart phone.
See the 'Patents' page for a technical document demonstrating performance
December, 2013:
Patent published on method for optimally estimating focus error in individual images.
Patent Publication No. US-2013-0329122-A1
March, 2014:
Presented on 3D surface tilt estimation from image cue gradients at the CoSyNe annual meeting
UT Austin OTC Tech report profiles algorithm for estimating focus error in cell phone cameras
See the 'Press' page for a link to the article
April, 2014:
Presented on how human speed discrimination with naturalistic movies can be predicted with an ideal observer model at the Natural Environments, Tasks, and Intelligence (NETI) mini-conference at UT Austin
Presented on estimating 3D surface orientation from image cue gradients at the Vision Sciences Society
May, 2014:
• Talks
• Research
• Teaching
• CV
• Music
• Patents
• People
• Code
• Projects
• Demos
• Press
• Contact
First day in the office at the University of Pennsylvania!
July, 2014:
Three abstracts submitted to the OSA Fall Vision Meeting
August, 2014:
University of Pennsylvania
Lab: Richards, 4th Floor
"Defocus blur discrimination in natural images with natural optics" has been submitted
October, 2014:
"Continuous psychophysics: Target-tracking to measure visual sensitivity" has been submitted
November, 2014:
"Optimal speed estimation in natural image movies predicts human performance" has been submitted
November, 2014:
Book chapter published in The Cognitive Neurosciences
November, 2014:
Geisler WS, Burge J, D'Antona AD, Michel MM (2014)
Characterizing the effects of stimulus and neural variability on perceptual performance
In Gazzinga & Mangun (Eds.) The Cognitive Neurosciences, 5th Edition. 363-374. Cambridge: MIT Press [ pdf ]
"Estimating 3D surface orientation in natural scenes from image gradients" has been submitted
January, 2015:
U.S. Patent granted on method for imaged-based defocus estimation in digital imaging systems
September, 2014:
Application No.: 13/965,758
Filing Date: August 13, 2013
Title: Focus Error Estimation in Images
Reference No.: 5934 US
File No.: 93331-001910US-882167
March, 2015:
Paper published in Journal of Vision
May, 2015:
Paper published in Journal of Vision
June, 2015:
Priyank Jaini, from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, has joined the lab for the summer!
May, 2015:
Presented at VSS on how an ideal observer predicts human speed discrimination w. natural images
July, 2015:
Benjamin Chin, a 1st year graduate student, will do a rotation in the lab for the summer and fall!
July, 2015:
Arvind Iyer, a BioEngineering PhD from USC, has joined the lab a post-doctoral researcher!
August, 2015:
Seha Kim, a Psychology PhD from Rutgers University, has joined the lab a post-doctoral researcher!
August, 2015:
Paper published in Nature Communications
September, 2015:
Vijay Singh, a Physics PhD from Emory University, has joined the lab as a post-doctoral researcher! He is one of the two inaugural postdocs in the Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI) at Penn.
December, 2015:
Three abstracts submitted to VSS 2016
April, 2016:
"Accuracy Maximization Analysis: Computational improvements, priors, and coding advantages for scaled additive noise" has been submitted
August, 2015:
Two abstracts submitted (and accepted!) to Cosyne 2016
April, 2016:
Presented at NETI mini-conference at UT Austin on the coding advantages for multiplicative neural noise
May, 2016:
Presented at special VSS symposium: "Realism or Artifice as an experimental methodology" with Tony Movshon, David Brainard, Roland Fleming, Jenny Read, and Wendy Adams, organized by Peter Scarfe
March, 2016:
"Local image matching to estimate global surface orientation and distance" has been submitted
May, 2016:
Seha presented a poster at VSS titled "Human tilt estimation in local patches of natural stereo-images"
May, 2016:
Ben presented a poster at VSS titled "External vs Internal determinants of human speed discrimination with natural images movies"
May, 2016:
Johannes presented a poster at VSS titled "Local cues for half-occlusion detection in stereo-images of natural scenes"
February, 2016:
Arvind presented a poster at Cosyne titled "Weber's Law for disparity discrimination is predicted by the statistics of natural stereo images"
February, 2016:
Johannes presented a poster at Cosyne on "Optimal estimation of motion-in-depth from stereo natural-image movies"
September, 2016:
Johannes presented on binocular vision in natural scenes at the Rank Prize Lectures in Grasmere, England
October, 2016:
Johannes presented on 3D tilt estimation at the PRISM conference just outside of Marburg, Germany
October, 2016:
Paper published in Journal of Vision
November, 2016:
"Linking normative models of natural tasks and descriptive models of neural response" has been submitted
October, 2016:
Paper published in arXiv
Green JD, Burge J, Stansberry JA, Meinke B (2016).
Cameras a Million Miles Apart: Stereoscopic Imaging Potential with the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes
arXiv:1610.07483 [ html | pdf ]
December, 2016:
"Accurate focus error estimation from individual images in the human eye and in a smartphone camera" has been submitted
December, 2016:
Uploaded new code repository for filter learning via Accuracy Maximization Analysis!
See the BurgeLab Github repository:
January, 2017:
Paper published in Information Display
Burge J (2017).
Accurate image-based estimates of focus error in the human eye and in a smartphone camera.
Information Display, 33(1): 18-23 [ pdf ]
February, 2017:
Paper published in PLoS Computational Biology. Congratulations Priyank!
January, 2017:
Johannes presented on Depth variation, binocular contrast differences, and disparity estimation in natural scenes at the Annual Interdisciplinary Conference in Breckenridge, CO.
February, 2017:
Johannes presented at Cosyne on Linking Normative and Subunit Models of Neural Response
February, 2017:
Ben and Seha were awarded talks, and Arvind was awarded a poster at VSS! Congratulations!
March, 2017:
Johannes presented Seha's work on "The lawful imprecision of human tilt estimation in natural scenes" at SUNY Optometry in New York City.
January, 2017:
David White joined the lab as a rotation student. Welcome David!
April, 2017:
Johannes presented at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY.
May, 2017:
Arvind, Ben, Johannes, and Seha all presented at VSS! Two talks and two posters for the lab and a good response to everything. Not a bad showing!
June, 2017:
David White has joined the lab as a neuroscience graduate student. Welcome David!
July, 2017:
Paper published in BiorXiv. Congratulations Priyank!
May, 2017:
Johannes presented at the University of Nevada, Reno in Reno, NV.
April, 2017:
"The lawful imprecision of human tilt estimation in natural scenes" has been submitted!
April, 2017:
"The effect of depth variation on disparity tasks in natural scenes" has been submitted!
Jaini P, Burge J (2017).
Linking normative models of natural tasks with descriptive models of neural response.
biorXiv, doi: [ html | pdf ]
July, 2017:
Uploaded new code repository for precisely sampling stereo-image patches from natural stereo-images!
See the BurgeLab Github repository:
July, 2017:
Paper published in biorXiv. Congratulations Arvind!
Iyer AV, Burge J (2017).
The effect of depth variation on disparity tasks in natural scenes.
biorXiv, doi: [ html | pdf ]